"Who in the world am I? Ah, that's the great puzzle." (Lewis Carroll) Nurturing intellectual curiosity, in a friendly and stimulating community, helps us grow into happier, wiser and more confident people. Our small, facilitated discussion groups for adults are relaxed but purposeful, typically operating at lovely Mancunian 'Philosophy Cafes' such as the Carlton Club in Whalley Range (and sometimes on Zoom). These fortnightly non-religious meetings explore the most interesting areas of life such as relationships, ethics, well-being and the search for meaning, discussing insights of great thinkers old and new, as well as your own. They are not taught classes (though you will learn plenty) and no prior knowledge of philosophers is required (and we speak in plain English). Our groups have all the best bits of a book club, with fewer demands on your time. Please explore the rest of this site to get a clearer picture of what we do.